
Monday, March 4, 2013

Skype Face lift

I am often told by my patients that they do not like their appearance when looking into web cameras or reading their Nooks. Social media has allowed us to stay in contact with family and friends instantly from where ever we are.  However, the image that our loved one sees isn’t always the most flattering. We tend to notice genetic traits that we may not want to keep. Rhinoplasties, augmentations of the chin, and lips are common requests.

Thirty-something year olds start to see lines and wrinkles and request treatment of these issues. Botox, Dysport, and fillers are common requests in this age group and so is liposuction of a double chin. These procedures are performed as an outpatient and most patients return to work the same day or the next day.

In the fourth and fifth decade of life patients are seeing their face drop and start to see their parent’s features in their own face. Fillers and wrinkle treatments as well as skin resurfacing are likely to help as well as face and neck lifts. A facelift at a younger age can be done with smaller incisions and a shorter down time.

Grandparents are able to keep in touch with their children and grandchildren via social media. However, they are sometimes not comfortable with the image of themselves on Facetime or Skype. Traditional face lifts, brow lifts and eyelid surgery will bring a rejuvenated look to the screen.

All procedures and injections have potential risks and complications. Safety should always be your top priority.  It is wise to choose your surgeon base on careful research. When choosing a surgeon find out where they were trained for surgery, what is their experience, and obtain multiple recommendations. Be careful of internet hype, catchy ads, and images too good to be true, they usually are. Choose a surgeon that is certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery and a member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, the original plastic surgery certifying organizations. Physicians that are members of these two groups have passed the highest standards of training and ethics.
Dr. Rosato is a member of both organizations and chief of Plastic Surgery at Indian River Medical Center.  The Rosato Plastic Surgery Center is a state licensed ambulatory surgery center and it is accredited by the Agency for Health Care Administration.


At July 16, 2015 at 2:56 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

Jestem świeżo upieczoną entuzjastką nauki języka przez skype
Rada witać wszystkich, kto chce uczyć chinski!
Chinski bardzo trudno przestudiować bez systemowego podejścia.
Moje osobiste doświadczenie to kompania Preply-studiowanie języka metodą callana.Organizacja Metody Callana opracowała metodę, która skraca 4-krotnie czas studiowania języka. Szybkie tempo nauki pozwala pokonać nudę i dekoncentrację, a starannie opracowany system powtórek pomaga w trwałym zapamiętaniu materiału. W Preply zawsze jest możliwość studiowania języka na Skype z native speakerem. Również ogromny i najszerszy wybór korepetycji dla dzieci i firm. Na przykład nawet skomplikowany język jak chiński łatwo możecie przestudiować przez skype.Ogromny wybór, możliwość korepetycji z języka chińskiego online z nośnikami mowy "native speaker". Zajęcia są na Skypa, jest to bardzo wygodnie i korzystnie. W Preply bywają różne rabaty, można otrzymać lekcje nawet za darmo! Wykwalifikowani wykładowcy ! Indywidualne podejście.ński-przez-skype


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